Saturday, July 25, 2009

it's only rock n roll

i got to enjoy the sweet sounds of Green Day the other night at the TD Banknorth Garden. one thing was evident... the boys still know how to rock out with your (insert another name for rooster) out!!!

the first time i saw Green Day was back in 1995 (during my freshman year of higher learning) when this album was huge. not only was the show amazing, so was the preshow partying i participated in... and i must admit i probably did some things i shouldn't have that night. but now i'm an old geezer and the craziest thing i did this time around was read the driving directions incorrectly.. resulting in a quick detour to Logan Airport... those Air Canada pilots really know how to stick a landing.

anyways, i was hoping the boys would play Geek Stink Breath, but they didn't. so why not share the video... which features a friend of the band having a tooth pulled...

they did play one of my absolute favorites..

Dearly beloved are you listening?
I can't remember a word that you were saying
Are we demented or am I disturbed?
The space that's in between insane and insecure

Oh therapy, can you please fill the void?
Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused
For lack of a better word and that's my best excuse

Jesus Of Suburbia

Sunday, July 19, 2009

You're a Vegetable...

I only have 2 things to say about Michael Jackson

1) I really want to believe he was innocent... but a part of me can't commit.
2) The following is my favorite song by the gloved one, mostly because of the funky ass lyrics he drops at the 2:08 mark.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

a must read

"They" say great work moves people. The following article moved me from calm to pissed off in about 10 seconds-
Matt Taibbi comes out swinging at Goldman Sachs. It would be naive to think that Goldman is the only one dealing like this, but they are the biggest and most influential of the bunch. So I have no problem with Taibbi going right after the "Sacks".

I'm all for free enterprise and turning big profits as long as it's done in an ethical manner. What these asses did to cover themselves in the mortgage mess was the equivalent of a boxer with cracked ribs putting money on his opponent before stepping in the ring.

I used to work with a fella named Paul Heinsohn, the son of legendary Boston Celtic Tommy Heinsohn. Paul had his merit review and I was about to have mine. So I asked him how the raises were. He said "Mike, bend over... grab your ankles... and get ready for the big one." If Goldman Sachs is looking for a new slogan that might be a good place to start...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

on a serious note...

I must admit, I paused this clip to walk away and collect myself.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You're Gonna Love What?

The man with the golden tongue has returned. World's greatest pitchman Vince Schlomi is back with a hot new product. I'm convinced this guy could sell bacon to a pig. Behold his lastest and greatest product. Please pay very close attention to the shockingly bold statement he makes at the 0:37 mark.

Did he say what I think he said? Oh yes he did! "You're gonna love my nuts!" Um, Vince if I remember correctly that may not always be the case.

It's only fitting we pay tribute to Vince and his love cashews...