Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In the basket please...

I don't know about you, but I find this clip very creepy. I almost feel a tab bit dirty watching this. Right around the 1:31 mark the creepiness level rises substantially.

On the bright side, Buffalo Bill's patience is admirable. You can tell he's quite the dog lover...prrrincess...

Safe to say I see no signs of Stockholm Syndrome in this woman.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jivin with Jeff...

Our first installment... and this is a doosie! Jeff took a nice vacation to Texas and gives us all a swift boot in the ass...

Sent: Fri 4/17/2009 4:49 AM

Subject: Fah-Q

I'm in Texas right now and all I can say is you have ten seconds to tell me why you don't like clowns or I'm gonna kill you're whole f*%$in family...that's from Devils Rejects, watch it! I missed the tea bag parties but Mike I hope you got tea bagged, and Jim too. All I can say is this country better not go socialist. The more money the govt takes, the thinner your *!@# gets. I love America and all the fat bottomed girls and skinny ones too. So go paint a white picked fence or eat a hot dog or cheer for the Dallas Cowboys or the NE Patriots and thank George Washington for this f*%$ing awsome country. God bless America and Lynrnd Skynrd and the 2nd amendment. Peace out and always be true to the red white and blue. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Live from Dallas, TX. More tomorrow tonight.
PS Pirates can go f*%$ themselves.
PSS. Sorry about the language.

He's here!!!

World renowned bachelor and great friend of mine, Jeff C., has finally checked in. I have known this renaissance man for over ten years, and even lived with him and Jim W. (J-Wrub) during our years of higher learning. ***More on that later***. Unfortunately, Jeff now resides in West Palm Beach, FL. However, that doesn't stop him from sending emails and leaving riveting voicemails... like the 2:30 a.m. message he left me from his balcony during the middle of a hurricane. I think it's only fitting I share some of these emails in a segment I'd like to call "Jivin with Jeff".

Friday, April 17, 2009


Oh boy... from the country that first brought us the Beatles. Now this...

There's a whole lotta shakin goin on!!

This woman could feed a village, and I'm thinking she just may have. One thing is clear though, Fabia still brings a strong game to the dance floor. Just check out the split.

I think we found a winner.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

There's been a lot discussion about the Octomom and her ability... or lack of... to care for all those babies. But for me, the real concern here is not her parenting skills... it's those enormous lips. Let's face it (pun intended) her mouth bares a striking resemblence to an inner tube. I'm worried that if one of those pops we have a category 4 hurricane on our hands. If both blow out we're looking at a natural disaster of epic proportions.

I firmly believe she could kiss all 8 babies at the same time. From the looks of it those lips can cover a whole lot of ground.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hard to Ignore

While watching TV the other day I happened upon this commercial for a great product that's designed to move the needle... so to speak.

For whatever reason this reminded me of the receptionist "Lorraine" at my last job. One day Lorraine observed that a fellow co-worker "John" (who may or may not have been using this product) was a bit more "excited" than usual. So every day when Lorraine was perched behind that front desk I deemed her on "crotch watch"... something she seemed to excel at. Yes, Lorraine sure had a knack for spotting a pocket rocket.

It should also be noted that Lorraine, who I'm guessing was in her 60's, puts on a full face of makeup at night before hopping in the sack with her husband for a game of "tingle tangle". This I know because she said so!

*** Disclaimer: I'm clearly trying to redirect you to a previous post that was my attempt to solicit some reader feedback***

Monday, April 13, 2009

Mmm, I Reckon...

This is probably not the best way to endear yourself to an audience. Billy Bob gets a little ornery during a radio interview while promoting his band, the Boxmasters. It seems Hill Billy was caught off guard when the DJ mentioned his "other career" as an award winning actor. Um Billy, would anyone care about your band if it wasn't for the acting? This video is long, but worth the time. This band must be a blast to see live with all their energy. Great vibe fellas, great vibe...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Jock Strap: Oh Boyd

Welcome to another installment of the jock strap, where we feature athletes who are a little less jock and lot more strap. Meet former South Carolina football player Cory Boyd. In front of a national television audience Cory decided that would be a great time to declare that he's "back, back like cooked crack!"

I'm guessing Cory did not graduate with at least a 3.0 G.P.A. I have not confirmed this, but I'm thinking he probably didn't graduate at all. Cory did go on to play in the NFL in 2008, but was not drafted coming out of college... I wonder if character concerns played a part in that?

Ironically, he was teammates last year with another fellow strap. That's right, he and Travis "Horny" Henry (of 11 children with 10 different women fame) were both running backs for the Denver Broncos last year. I can only imagine the conversations these two had during practice. It should come as no surprise that the Broncos cut both Crack & Horny this offseason.

I am no sports agent but if Cory is signed by another team for the 2009 season he may want to declare something like... "I'm back, I'm back like a healthy snack. "

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Jukebox

If your a rock band and have a violinist in the group than you have an instant fan... me. This is an amazing song by The Airborne Toxic Event. I highly recommend this album. Very unique sound and a great vibe.

Sometime Around Midnight

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What did you say?

I'm not sure why but for some reason certain words make me feel very uncomfortable. Sometimes it's the way the word sounds. Or when I hear the word my mind races in a million different directions... none of which are good. Here's a little sampling:

There's even a whole family of words - slacks, trousers, dungarees. All of them leave me feeling very confused... although, dungarees is one that frequently rolls off my tongue.

Not sure if anyone is really reading this blog... but if so, I'd like to hear what words make you feel awkward. There are some obvious ones that George Carlin kindly pointed out with his "Seven Dirty Words". I'm more interested in those every day words that can take on a life of their own. So if you can relate, feel free to leave these words in the comments to this post. If you're really feeling ambitious you can give an explanation.