Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What did you say?

I'm not sure why but for some reason certain words make me feel very uncomfortable. Sometimes it's the way the word sounds. Or when I hear the word my mind races in a million different directions... none of which are good. Here's a little sampling:

There's even a whole family of words - slacks, trousers, dungarees. All of them leave me feeling very confused... although, dungarees is one that frequently rolls off my tongue.

Not sure if anyone is really reading this blog... but if so, I'd like to hear what words make you feel awkward. There are some obvious ones that George Carlin kindly pointed out with his "Seven Dirty Words". I'm more interested in those every day words that can take on a life of their own. So if you can relate, feel free to leave these words in the comments to this post. If you're really feeling ambitious you can give an explanation.


Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you on "moist"--I hate that one too.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about words I don't like but haven't come up with any yet, although I have to agree with "moist". However, I LOVE the word OOZE, it sounds exactly like what it means. What words do you love?

Anonymous said...

I hate the word font. I have no real reason. I just hate saying it and hate hearing other people say it. Yet I hear that word almost everyday.

Angela Ware said...

I dislike the word panties, and I HATE when my grandma says slacks :)